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Showing posts from January, 2017

Starting at the start - why write a blog?

Why start a blog on Pychology for IT Pros (and other technical people)? Whilst there's a huge amount of information tailored to traditional business, and an increasing body of work around startups and their associated culture, there is very little that directly relates to the day-to-day working life of technical people and what they do. This is a major omission; whilst technical people may be different in that part of the job involves dealing with machines, a huge part of the work is with, for, and mediated by, other people. There's a good argument that the role of  IT people is to form the bridge between computer systems and the rest of the organisation. The aim of this blog is to use evidence from psychology, neuroscience and other related fields to give you insight into how you can do your job more effectively, and be happier whilst doing so. You may well be wondering if reading this blog will be worth your time, aside from the absence of anyone else writing on the the t